I just finished doing a blog post for http://www.exilecoffee.com. Which is my friend Andrew's site/blog about all things coffee. I had my camera with me for the UKBC regional heats.... A barista competition. So we watched people make coffee! The lighting was horrible, but I was able to get some decent shots. Sadly, some of my better shots were of a competitor who didn't end up placing! Here's one of my better shots...

This was during the layering process of the specialty drink made by the second-place winner. A honey and orange syrup, topped with espresso. She finished it off with foamed milk and some orange zest. Sadly, we didn't get to taste it! Judges only!
All in all, I had a good time at the competition, and we got to make coffee on a fancy machine at the back of the room. Rather...I had people who knew what they were doing make me coffee! And then they brought out smoothies and cookies...all the better because Andrew and I were too busy talking to skip out during the lunch break. It was raining anyway, so we stayed dry and caffeinated!